MSNBC: 'Chances that we'll find ET are pretty good' Proof of aliens could come within 25 years, scientist says

Posted on 11:00 AM by Kristophorus | 0 comments

SANTA CLARA, Calif. — Proof of extraterrestrial intelligence could come within 25 years, an astronomer who works on the search said Sunday.

"I actually think the chances that we'll find ET are pretty good," said Seth Shostak, senior astronomer at the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence Institute in Mountain View, Calif., here at the SETIcon convention. "Young people in the audience, I think there's a really good chance you're going to see this happen."

Shostak bases this estimation on the Drake Equation, a formula conceived by SETI pioneer Frank Drake to calculate the number (N) of alien civilizations with whom we might be able to communicate. That equation takes into account a variety of factors, including the rate of star formation in the galaxy, the fraction of stars that have planets, the fraction of planets that are habitable, the percent of those that actually develop life, the percent of those that develop intelligent life, the fraction of civilizations that have a technology that can broadcast their presence into space, and the length of time those signals would be broadcasted.

Reliable figures for many of those factors are not known, but some of the leaders in the field of SETI have put together their best guesses. Late great astronomer Carl Sagan, another SETI pioneer, estimated that the Drake Equation amounted to N = 1 million. Scientist and science fiction writer Isaac Asimov calculated 670,000. Drake himself estimates a more conservative 10,000.

But even if that lower value turns out to be correct, at the rate they're going, it wouldn't take scientists too long to discover an alien signal, Shostak said.

"This range, from Sagan's million down to 10,000 that's the range of estimates from people who have started and worked on SETI," said Shostak. "These people may know what they're talking about. If they do, then the point is we trip across somebody in the next several dozen or two dozen years."

The SETI quest is set to take a leap forward when the Allen Telescope Array, a network of radio dishes under construction in northern California, is fully operational. By 2015, the array should be able to scan hundreds of thousands of stars for signs of extraterrestrial intelligence, Shostak said.

But while humans might be able to discover an alien signal within that timeframe, interpreting what ET is trying to tell us could take much, much longer.

Shostak admitted such a task would be very difficult. An alien civilization may be as technologically advanced compared to us as Homo sapiens are to our hominid relatives Neanderthals.

"We could give our digital television signals to the Neanderthals, and theyll never figure it out. And they're not stupid," he said.

Yet simply having proof that we are not alone in the universe would likely be a world-changing achievement, Shostak added.

Original Article Here:

MSNBC: British X-Files reveal secret UFO study Letter says Churchill, Eisenhower hushed up flying-saucer sighting during World War II; probe goes nowhere

Posted on 10:54 AM by Kristophorus | 0 comments

Britain released hundreds of previously secret "UFO files" on Thursday, including a letter saying that Winston Churchill had ordered a 50-year cover-up of a wartime encounter between an unidentified flying object and military pilot.

The files, published by the National Archives, span decades and contain scores of witness accounts, sketches and classified briefing notes documenting mysterious sightings across Britain.

One Ministry of Defense note refers to a 1999 letter stating that a Royal Air Force plane returning from a mission in Europe during World War II was "approached by a metallic UFO."

The unidentified author of the letter says his grandfather attended a wartime meeting between Churchill and Dwight Eisenhower during which the two expressed concern over the incident and "decided to keep it secret."

The Ministry of Defense subsequently investigated the case but found no written record of the incident, the files say. In a 1999 note, the ministry said it "does not have any expertise or role in respect of 'UFO/flying saucer' matters or to the question of the existence or otherwise of extraterrestrial lifeforms, about which it remains totally open-minded."

Entire Article Here:

Today24News: Did the air china crew see the UFO in Hangzhou?

Posted on 12:52 PM by Kristophorus | 0 comments

On Wednesday, Hangzhou’s Xiaoshan airport was shut down for about an hour while airport authorities scrambled to figure out what unidentified flying contraption was hovering on their radars. Yep, a UFO closed down the Hangzhou airport.

Did the air china crew see the UFO in hangzhou?

According to a story that first appeared in Zhejiang Online, the UFO showed up on the airport’s radar a little past 8:30pm. Suddenly, airport personnel saw a “shining light” in the air, later confirmed by passengers that were flying at the time.

Out of flight safety considerations, the airport suspended service from 8:41pm onwards and began an extensive aerial search. About an hour later, after not finding anything, they resumed service. The 56 minutes total of “no fly” time delayed 18 flights in total – about 2,000 passengers were stranded for a couple hours as Xiaoshan sorted through the jam.

Currently operating the airport reopened and will issue an official statement after conducting an investigation. Local flights temporarily diverted to Ningbo Airport and Jiangsu, while the outer flight delayed for three to four hours.

Though airport spokesmen said the UFO was only visible to radars at the airport, several people around
Hangzhou said they witnessed “a glowing object hovering in the afternoon sky and moving weirdly.” One man managed to snap a picture of it before it suddenly disappeared.

So what was it? Some have theorized it was a private jet (Hangzhou serves as an easy tourist destination to rich folks from Zhejiang and Jiangsu), others say it was a piece of rocket debris, and at least one official has said it has a “military connection” – which is why more details of the incident can not be divulged.

Originall posted by JohnD:

A L Webre: Web Bot predicts 1.2 billion dead in BP oil spill, Nov. 2010 nuclear war. Accurate? Will ETs intervene?

Posted on 12:59 PM by Kristophorus | 0 comments

This article is part of an ongoing series on the BP Gulf of Mexico oil spill and its environmental, economic, social and exopolitical impacts.

The Web Bot technology is now predicting a 1.289+ billion mega-death resulting from an “ill-wind” and the BP Gulf oil disaster.  Researcher Clif High has published a prediction expecting a ‘tipping point’ around November 8, 2010 into global nuclear war, triggered by a mistaken Israeli-influenced attack on Iran that could come anytime after July 11, 2010.

The BP Gulf of Mexico oil catastrophe was arguably foreseen in prophetic scenarios as set out in various sacred prophecy texts such as the Book of Revelation and the Hopi Prophecy’s Seventh Sign, as well as the visions and prophecies of 20th and 21st century psychics, extraterrestrial contactees, and shamans such as psychic Edgar Cayce (1877-1945), Argentina’s ET contactee Benjamin Solari Parravicini (1898-1974) and Zulu shaman Credo Mutwa (1921 – present).

The Web Bot ALTA report and Zulu shaman Credo Mutwa – both of whom arguably accurately predicted the BP Gulf of Mexico oil catastrophe before it occurred - are now predicting the BP Gulf oil catastrophe may one of the largest single human depopulation events in history.

A Web-Bot ALTA report dated June 21, 2010 predicts that “1.289+ billion people” may die from the catastrophic effects of the April 20, 2010 BP oil spill and related environmental impacts in a period starting mid-July 2010.  The Web-Bot ALTA REPORT states that “The [oil volcano] subset continues to gain support in support of the [ill winds] area, and is still gaining support for those subsets indicating that 1.289+ billion people will perish as a result of the [ill winds] and the [oil volcano].”

According to Web Bot, this high death figure may come as a result of interactivity between the impact of the BP oil catastrophe and an expected global nuclear war starting around the period commencing November 8, 2010.

Zulu shaman and noted author Credo Mutwa on January 7, 2010 predicted an oil-related catastrophe, approximately two and one-half months before the April 20, 2010 BP Gulf oil spill occurred.  On January 7, 2010, an individual who reportedly had just attended a meeting with Zulu shaman and author Credo Mutwa in Africa posted the following message on an internet chat board, “Credo Mutwa apparently just now said half the worlds population won’t see 2011 at a gathering where I'm attending. Some delegates have walked out because he didn't want to give an acceptable explanation, he just said ‘it's no asteroid, comet, plague, ... just OIL’

Entire Article Here:

AOL News: Nuclear Physicist Describes Vast UFO Cover-Up

Posted on 5:16 PM by Kristophorus | 0 comments

[Editor's Note: We are seeing more and more articles like these in the main stream media outlets.  This story was also published on with an accompanied slide show.]

(June 7) -- "Some UFOs are intelligently controlled extraterrestrial spacecraft, and this is the biggest story of the millennium."

These words are not the rantings of a deranged individual looking for attention or a comfortable straitjacket. Stanton Friedman is a maverick of sorts.

Employed for 14 years as a nuclear physicist for companies like General Electric, General Motors, Westinghouse and Aerojet General Nucleonics, he worked on highly classified programs involving nuclear aircraft, fission and fusion rockets.

In 1958, UFOs caught his attention, and Friedman has since lectured about this subject at more than 700 colleges and professional groups in all 50 states and around the world.

Nuclear physicist Stanton Friedman's UFO quest

Nuclear physicist Stanton Friedman has devoted more than 50 years to pursuing the scientific truth of UFOs, and was the original civilian investigator of the legendary 1947 Roswell, N.M., incident.

"After 53 years of investigation, I'm convinced we're dealing here with a cosmic Watergate," he told AOL News. "That means a few people within major governments have known since at least 1947 that some UFOs are alien spacecraft."

In Friedman's new book, "Science Was Wrong," co-authored with Kathleen Marden, he wrote, "There's been no shortage of strong, negative proclamations from debunking groups and individuals who refuse to examine the evidence ... to support the notion that some UFOs are of extraterrestrial origin."

Friedman cites many cases of UFO encounters experienced by competent, reliable eyewitnesses, including one involving Japan Airlines.
Saturn-shaped UFO

One of the most credible sightings of a UFO in history is from a series of images taken aboard the Brazilian ship Almirante Saldanha on Jan. 16, 1958. The Saturn-shaped object was witnessed by the ship's crew and several scientists. The UFO approached the island, making a steep turn before flying away quickly. Juscelino Kubitschek, then president of Brazil, confirmed the authenticity of the photos.

"A 747 over Alaska encountered something that was twice the size of an aircraft carrier, that flew circles around the jet. They reported it to the ground, where both the UFO and the 747 were picked up on radar.

"The explanation from debunkers was that it was Jupiter! Boy, airplane radar can pick up Jupiter? It was totally ludicrous. You're fighting the forces of 'evil,' one might say -- arrogance and ignorance."

While some scientists through the years have quietly suggested Earth has been visited by ETs, Friedman is the most outspoken. He's especially irked by the attitude of scientists who use radio and optical telescopes in the search for extraterrestrial intelligence, such as the SETI Institute in California.

"Their livelihood depends on the assumption that there's nobody coming here, and if we just wait long enough, we're going to pick up the signal and it'll be the greatest discovery in man's history, and it will help solve all our problems.

"What really bothers me is that the SETI people will tell you there is no evidence for UFOs. Well, they certainly don't reference any, so there must not be, right? Wrong!"

If so, why would reputable scientists refuse to consider that Earth may be a vacation spot for otherworldly travelers?

"Because they'd have to admit that they'd ignored such a big story for so long and that they were wrong," Friedman said. "Being wrong is something that scientists don't like to admit at all."

Over the past 50 years, numerous surveys and public opinion polls have indicated that people are very interested in and, even, concerned about UFOs.
UFO photographed at close range
One of the best UFO pictures ever taken, this object was photographed by Paul Trent over his McMinnville, Ore., farm in May 1950. A subsequent Air Force investigation determined that "an extraordinary flying object, silvery, metallic, disk-shaped, tens of meters in diameter and evidently artificial, flew within sight of two eyewitnesses."

A 2002 Roper poll, commissioned by the Sci-Fi Channel, noted that 72 percent of Americans believed the U.S. government isn't telling all it knows about UFOs, and 68 percent thought the government knows more about extraterrestrial life than it cares to disclose.

But why would the government -- any government -- cover up UFO information? To Friedman, the answer is more down to earth.

"I don't know of any government on this planet that wants its citizens to owe their primary allegiance to the planet. Nationalism is the only game in town."

Also, Friedman says, there's the military point of view. "From a national security angle, everybody would like to grab a flying saucer and figure out how it works and use it to deliver weapons on the other guy, and there's always another guy."

How exactly would one go about obtaining a flying saucer? One way is to just wait until an otherworldly vehicle develops some mechanical problem and simply crashes to the ground.

Roswell, N.M., comes to mind.

In July 1947, something crashed outside the small town that, according to the initial official report, was a flying saucer. Authorities quickly changed that story, claiming it was merely a weather balloon that had fallen from the sky.

Thirty years after the Roswell event, Friedman met military personnel who were involved with the events of 1947 and he says they eventually stepped forward to advance the account of a crashed spacecraft and dead alien bodies.

Because of Friedman's dogged determination, the Roswell UFO legend was born.

"I followed up enough to find a number of key people, and with no Internet available, it took a lot of work," he said.

But Friedman is keenly aware of the abundant skepticism that swirls around the Roswell UFO controversy.

"Naturally, the resistance to acceptance of this case is going to be stronger than any other case," he said. "Because if it's true, it's everything -- bodies, wreckage, cover-up, threats -- what more do you need?"

Friedman says he's only had 11 hecklers in more than 700 lectures on UFOs.

"I'm still optimistic that, within my lifespan -- and I'm 75 -- we'll get at least a part of the story, that we're not alone in the universe."

With the discovery in recent years of hundreds of planets circling other suns, scientists continue to speculate that life is plentiful in the cosmos.

Plus, in 2008, the pope's chief astronomer, the Rev. Gabriel Funes, proclaimed that intelligent beings created by God might actually exist in outer space, and that it wouldn't contradict a belief in God.

All of that gives Friedman hope.

"Now is probably the time to say, yes, we're part of a galactic neighborhood; unfortunately, we're not the big shots in the neighborhood."
Originally published through AOL News:

A L Webre: EU MP Mario Borghezi, Bilderberger foe, introduces EU Parliament declaration to end UFO/ET secrecy

Posted on 1:19 PM by Kristophorus | 0 comments

As of June 18, 2010 seventeen members of the European Union Parliament, led by Italian EU MP Mario Borghezi, have reportedly signed and tabled a “Written declaration on the declassification of documentation on UFOs” calling on member states to disclose documents relating to UFOs, and end UFO secrecy.
The full text of the EU Written Declaration (0057/2010), dated June 14, 2010, is set out in the article below.

The EU declaration states that the European Parliament “recognizes that in 1978 the 33rd General Assembly of the United Nations formally recognized UFOs as a valid issue.”

The EU declaration goes on to state that the European Parliament:

“1.    Considers it essential to set up a scientific centre for the analysis and dissemination of the scientific data gathered to date by various European bodies and governments;

“2.    Calls for public archives on UFOs to be opened up and for records to be declassified by the Member States, thus providing the public and the mass media with access to the full range of documentation on the subject;

“3.    Instructs its President to forward this declaration, together with the names of the signatories, to the Council, the Commission and the governments of the Member States.

On December 18, 1978, the U.N. General Assembly adopted UNGA Decision 33/426, stating that the “General Assembly invites interested Member States to take appropriate steps to coordinate on a national level scientific research and investigation into extraterrestrial life, including unidentified flying objects (UFOs), and to inform the Secretary-General of the observations, research and evaluation of such activities.”

To date - nearly 32 years later - the U.N. General Assembly has not taken any practical steps to implement UNGA Decision 33/426.

The European MP sponsoring the resolution appears to be a committed foe of Bilderberger and Trilateralists infiltration of the European Parliament. In November 2009, EU MP Mario Borghezio questioned the nominations of Bilderberg and Trilateral attendees and cohorts for the posts of EU President and EU foreign minister. readers can view MP Mario Borghezio’s statements in the EU parliament against the Bilderberger and Trilateralist infiltration of the EU in the article below.

Complete Article Here:

Crop Circle Connector: Crop Circles Predict BP Oil Spill 3 Years Prior

Posted on 1:16 PM by Kristophorus | 0 comments

Dr. Salla: Should extraterrestrials stop the Gulf Leak? - 10,000 sign petition for ETs to show up

Posted on 1:13 PM by Kristophorus | 0 comments

As the BP oil leak continues into its eighth straight week, environmental catastrophe threatens local residents and the marine life of the Gulf of Mexico. There have been many failed attempts to stop the spill by BP which has succeeded so far in only slowing the leak. The prospects of removing the oil polluting the Gulf of Mexico are not good, and it may be years before the toxic oil and dispersants used on it will be removed using current technologies available to the oil industry. Now some have begun to ask whether the solution lies in advanced technology being released that is extraterrestrial in origin, and has been kept secret in classified military projects. Some go a step further and are calling for alien intervention to stop the leak. A petition calling for extraterrestrials to show up and assist humanity on a range of global problems passed 10,000 signatures around the same time as the Gulf oil leak appeared. Signatories believe that a request by the general public for assistance will be heard and answered by extraterrestrials monitoring Earth, who are waiting for public requests to intervene to assist in global problems such as the Gulf oil leak.
Jeff Peckman, the main organizer of the Denver Extraterrestrial Affairs Commission ballot initiative scheduled for voting in the November 2010 elections, believes extraterrestrial technologies are available that could be used to stop the Gulf oil leak. He says:
This initiative would help just in raising the awareness that there are such technologies that have been available and even known by our government for decades that could produce clean energy technology, cure cancer, cleanup the environment — a wide range of technologies that have been there.
Support for Peckman comes from Dr Steven Greer founder of the Disclosure Project. Greer has interviewed over 500 government, military and corporate whistleblowers who claim that advanced extraterrestrial technologies exist, and have been secretly developed. Greer has compiled an extensive database of interviews, and released a book filled with the testimonies of 60 witnesses supporting the existence of advanced technologies, some recovered from UFO crashes, that are suppressed from the public. Greer writes:
For many decades, these advances in energy and propulsion technologies have been acquired, suppressed and classified by certain interests who have viewed them as a threat to our security from both an economic and military perspective.

Full Article Here:

Scientific American: 12 Events That Will Change Everything, Made Interactive

Posted on 12:19 PM by Kristophorus | 0 comments

This Web-only article is a special rich-media presentation of the feature, "12 Events That Will Change Everything," which appears in the June 2010 issue of Scientific American. The presentation was created by Zemi Media. Find all our other interactive offerings here.

A L Webre: BP oil spill is disaster capitalism by criminal elite to depopulate and stop ET disclosure

Posted on 4:14 AM by Kristophorus | 0 comments

This article is the 2nd in an ongoing series on the BP Gulf of Mexico oil spill and its environmental, economic, social and exopolitical impacts.

A pattern of evidence from independent investigative reporters is emerging to suggest that the BP oil “spill” in the Gulf of Mexico may be an intentional “false flag” event in the genre of disaster capitalism, with the “environmental war” purpose of wrecking the environment of the Gulf of Mexico and the eastern United States and causing economic and social hardship to the population, and possible physical evacuation into FEMA camps operated by Halliburton on behalf of an international war crimes network.  Halliburton is, by the emerging evidence, itself a prime suspect in the false flag operation.

Key principals who, by preliminary evidence, to be tied to criminal acts associated with insider profiting on the BP oil “spill” operation and with acts of pre-meditated sabotage or criminal negligence that initially caused the oil spill and exacerbated its environmental, economic and social effects, have been tied to previous “false flag” events of disaster capitalism and are operatives of this international war crimes racketeering network.

There is now evidence of intentional disaster capitalism in the BP oil spill, including “foreshadowing drills” by the U.S. agencies and the sabotage or criminal negligence involvement of Halliburton, first broadcast by this reporter Alfred Lambremont Webre and an independent scientist in a special investigative program on Vancouver Coop Radio CFRO 102.7 FM.  Examiner readers can access the full summary and listen to the program in the article below.

On June 8, 2010, UFO filmmaker James Fox, broadcasting on the Veritas show, revealed a corporate-governmental private police state that was erasing constitutional guarantees in the BP oil spill impacted area in Grand Isle, LA. Mr. Fox stated, “Basically what’s happening is a complete media blackout. They are arresting people with cameras. They are arresting ... They will even arrest ... I was told off-camera that if they’re caught talking to a reporter, they are going to go to jail.”

A mainstream New Orleans TV news station, WDSU-TV in a video in the article below, confirmed Mr. Fox’s investigative reporting on June 12, 2010.

There is now confirmation of insider trading in BP stock by Goldman Sachs and an insider corporate takeover by Halliburton three weeks prior to the oil spill. On June 9, 2010, investigative reporters Sherri Kane (a former reporter with Fox News) and Leonard G. Horowitz reported that “Three weeks before the "natural gas leak," the George Bush/Dick Cheney 9-11-linked Halliburton company negotiated the purchase of the world's largest oil-spill cleanup firm (Boots & Coots) at the exact time keen observers on Wall Street--financial intelligence agents at Goldman Sachs unloaded 44% of their stock in BP. Goldman Sachs is covertly invested in the Bush-Cheney-linked Halliburton Company according to veteran observers. Goldman Sachs and Halliburton both had massive financial incentives to cause the profitable explosions--the three 9-11 WTC building demolitions, and the most recent ‘accident’ in the Gulf.”

One expert states that intentional environmental contamination of the ecology of the Gulf of Mexico is evidence of intent to depopulate the marine life, as well as the human population that depend on the Gulf of Mexico for survival.  Moreover, the force multiplier effects of dispersants, deadly benzene and other fumes from petroleum and dispersants, and a severe hurricane season may force evacuation of the Gulf states of the U.S.  There is now strong evidence that the Katrina hurricane was “steered” and “magnified” using advanced environmental war weapons, that can be applied as well to the hurricane season expected to follow the BP oil spill.   Evacuation of the Gulf coast and eastern U.S. will most probably be into FEMA camps, that were built and are managed under Halliburton contracts, more evidence of “disaster capitalism” design to the BP oil spill environmental war operation.

Entire Article Here:

A L Webre: Will the BP oil spill accelerate disclosure of teleportation, anti-gravity and ET/UFO presence?

Posted on 3:34 AM by Kristophorus | 1 comments

This article is part of an ongoing series on the BP Gulf of Mexico oil spill and its environmental, economic, social and exopolitical impacts.

The BP oil spill operation in the Gulf of Mexico has been variously analyzed as (1) “a looming environmental mega-disaster;” (2) “a corporate/governmental cover-up of a catastrophic environmental disaster;” and (3) “a disaster capitalism false flag operation to wreck the environment in the Gulf of Mexico and the eastern U.S. seaboard as an act of environmental war.”

As set out in the article below, the environmental, social and economic impact of the BP oil spill operation is catastrophic, though difficult to measure because of the lack of reliable information from the U.S. government and BP.  Physicist Dr. Michio Kaku, who stated that “A hurricane strike in the Gulf of Mexico would dump an oil and water mixture all over the South, potentially reaching hundreds of miles inland,” has addressed the possibility of “the oil leak lasting most of our lifetimes.”

One report now indicates that “Florida Governor Charlie Crist is preparing to declare a major state of emergency in Florida with evacuation of coastal residents, especially those prone to the deadly benzene fumes, being a top priority for state emergency responders.”  Senator Bill Nelson (D-FL) has confirmed reports that the BP wellbore is pierced and oil seeping from seabed in multiple places.

Dispersants may compound the environmental and health impacts of the oil spill.  “According to the Environmental Protection Agency about 1.08 million gallons of dispersant have been deployed in the Gulf, with 779,000 gallons used on the surface and 303,000 gallons used under the water. Jerald Ault, a professor at the University of Miami, said Corexit could have "significant" effects on the food chain and on environmental and human heath.” has documented the operational existence of Tesla-based teleportation as an operational technology for transporting goods and people over distances in the classified U.S. defense projects.  Likewise preliminary evidence has established the existence of U.S. space vehicles using anti-gravity energy and other advanced propulsion systems.

The U.S. government has historically classified teleportation exclusively as a weapons technology, for transporting troops to battle locations, or personnel and goods between secure military bases.
The environmental, economic and social impacts of the BP oil leak operation may mobilize public awareness and political will to transform this policy decision, and make teleportation available for civilian use, worldwide.
How the BP oil leak operation may affect extraterrestrial disclosure, either by governments or by specific extraterrestrial civilizations themselves, is an unknown “wildcard.”

Entire Article:

MSNBC: Extreme life on Earth could survive on Mars-- Researchers found methane-eating bacteria thriving in Canada

Posted on 9:15 AM by Kristophorus | 0 comments

A new discovery of bacterial life in a Martian-like environment on Earth suggests our neighboring red planet could also be hospitable to some form of microbial life.

Researchers found methane-eating bacteria that appear to be thriving in a unique spring called Lost Hammer on Axel Heiberg Island in the extreme north of Canada

This spring is similar to possible past or present springs on Mars, the scientists say, so it hints that microbial life could potentially exist there, too. There is no firm evidence that Mars does or ever did host life, however.

Full Article Here:

Dr. Steven Greer: Orion Project Update-- Scientists for Free Energy Solutions receive threats from "foreign nationals".

Posted on 6:47 PM by Kristophorus | 0 comments

For the past two years, The Orion Project has worked to raise funds to build a facility where we can bring scientists and inventors together in a peaceful type of Manhattan Project for energy - to develop new sources of energy that will get us off the fossil fuel economy. We have also worked to identify scientists and inventors capable of this work. For the past hundred years, scientists such as Nikola Tesla have worked on such devices. The fact that many have tried, and we are still using predominantly fossil fuels - the same fuels used in the 1800s - can be illustrated by our recent experience.

We reported last December that we had under contract a very talented scientist who wanted to work with us. Because he still is doing work for a private company that is linked to the Intelligence Community, he preferred working with his identity concealed. A side note is that he had agreed to work with us in the fall of 2008. At that time, he met with the Board of Directors and took a contract home to read and sign, but called us within three days saying that he was being deployed abroad for fifteen months. We heard nothing else from him until a year later - precisely after Dr. Greer publicly disclosed the energy briefing he had put together for President Obama.

He resurfaced and said that he wanted to work with us to develop new energy technologies. He met with the Board of Directors again. He assured us that he was cleared by his "shepherds" in the Intelligence Community to work with us to build advanced energy systems, but he was not allowed to work on advanced propulsion systems - that is, he could build systems to power our houses and businesses, but he would not be allowed to reproduce the advanced propulsion systems he has developed in the past.

Full Press Release here:

Light Eye: Silbury Hill, Nr Avebury. Wiltshire. Reported 31st May‏

Posted on 6:40 PM by Kristophorus | 0 comments

Click on Thumbnails to enlarge

Mark, thanks to Andrew Pyrka’s information this may make more sense, I’m not sure

A colleague of mine made an interesting observation – if you look towards Silbury Hill the nearest horizon just behind the hill is level with the top of Silbury Hill. No matter where you stood in the formation the level of the horizon remains the same – the point here is – if this formation was made a few feet lower or higher then this horizon would not line up with Silbury Hill. This may indeed have an importance when it comes down to alignment of formations, but to achieve something of this nature would require surveyors laser type equipment and one hell of a good judgment in placing the formation in this perfectly lined up spot.

If the hexagon in the centre is a hexagon then this may be a 3d representation of a cube. This would fit in regards to the diagram and the earlier CC’s this year.

Click on Thumbnail to enlarge

Here is a diagram for Silbury hill, it's connected to the other CC's if that is a cube in the centre, makes sense in regards to x y cartesian 3 dimensional time space co ordinates.


Original Post -

A L Webre:Did a Cape Canaveral rocket, HAARP or ET/UFOs cause the June 5, 2010 Australian spiral light?

Posted on 12:07 PM by Kristophorus | 0 comments

A UFO that was “a perfect spiral of light” according to eyewitnesses over Eastern Australia at 5:50 AM on June 5, 2010 has given rise to the same speculation as the December 9, 2009 spiral seen over Oslo, Norway the night before U.S. President Barack Obama’s Nobel Prize speech.

As with the December 9, 2009 Norway spiral, conventional scientists proposed a conventional explanation of a missile of space junk for the June 5, 2010 UFO spiral. One Australian report stated “An astronomer says a bright spiraling light spotted in the sky by people across eastern Australia was probably a satellite, space junk or a rocket.” Another report stated “It is not clear what the light was although there is speculation it may have been the Falcon 9 rocket which launched into space yesterday.” In fact a Falcon 9 missile was launched from Cape Canaveral, Florida about an hour before the spiral lit up over three states in eastern Australia.

As was the case with the December 9, 2009 Norway spiral, HAARP or some similar human electromagnetic technology is another plausible explanation for the June 5, 2010 Australian UFO spiral, which was large enough to be seen over three Australian states. Researcher Colin Andrews has proposed HAARP as the cause of a series of anomalous weather effects over southeastern Australia in January 2010. Australia itself is rumoured to have its own HAARP facility.

If the Falcon 9 rocket was not the cause of the spiral, then perhaps HAARP was, as the path of the UFO spiral light tracks the path of January 2010 anomalous weather patterns over Eastern Australia that were attributed to HAARP.

There is a third possibility, that the June 5, 2010 Australia spiral was a genuine interdimensional “wormhole,” caused by a hyperdimensional or multi-dimensional intelligence. Some researchers speculated that the Norway spiral was caused by a hyperdimensional intelligence.

Entire Article Here:

A L Webre: Informal UFO/ET disclosure now happening in leaked UFO/ET reports via U.S. Capitol Police

Posted on 1:31 PM by Kristophorus | 0 comments

An officer of the U.S. Capitol Police has leaked reports of UFO and hyperdimensional extraterrestrial spacecraft flyovers over the U.S. Capitol, using her active email account as a U.S. Capitol Police officer on the staff of the U.S. Senate Sergeant-at-Arms.  The U.S. Capitol Police officer, who has requested anonymity, made available the leaked reports, written by a former U.S. Capitol employee, in 2008 and 2009 to researcher and author Robert M. Stanley after Mr. Stanley made research inquiries of the U.S. Capitol Police regarding Wilbur “Will” Allen’s documentation of 2002 UFO/ET flyovers over the U.S. Capitol.

The leaked reports via the U.S. Capitol Police officer, which Mr. Stanley has examined and claims appear to be valid reports, confirm specific UFO/ET flyovers on April 22, 1999 and in spring 1995 in P-51 restricted airspace over the U.S. Capitol. 
Mr. Stanley has made these leaked reports via the U.S. Capitol Police officer public in an exclusive Exopolitics Radio interview with reporter Alfred Lambremont Webre, and in the article below.

These leaked reports contain prime eyewitness witness evidence of UFO/ET over flights over the U.S. Capitol by the U.S. Capitol Police, trained officers in charge of the physical safety of the U.S. Capitol area.  The U.S. Capitol Police, according to Mr. Stanley, report to the National Security Agency (NSA) on matters relating to incursions into P-51 protected airspace by UFO/ET flyovers or landings on protected buildings, such as the U.S. Capitol, the White House, the reflecting pool, etc.

UFODC: July 4, 2002 DC hyperdimensional UFO/ET flyover

Full Article Here:

Radio Interview Linked in Original Article

LIGHT EYE: New Wilton, Wiltshire Crop Circle Signals a Major Communication Event is Coming‏

Posted on 1:08 PM by Kristophorus | 0 comments


This formation was reported to me soon after 12 noon today and is in oil seed rape adjacent to the Wilton Windmill It is approx:200 ft in diameter.

How I wish Paul Vigay were alive, as to me this definitely represents some sort of communication, whether it be in binary, maths or music. It certainly resemble a computer disc? Any explanation most welcome as I believe this is important.

Lucy Pringle

New Wilton, Wiltshire Crop Circle Signals a Major Communication Event is Coming.

YOWUSA.COM, 23-May-2010 Marshall Masters

First reported on May 22, 2010, a new formation at the Wilton Windmill, near Wilton, Wiltshire is a clear harbinger of what could be a major communication event this season. As always, Mark Fussell and Stuart Dike of the Crop Circle Connector web site are on the case and doing a brilliant job of it.

Assuming the authenticity of the formation (approx. 200' diameter) is confirmed with verifiable field reports, 2010 could become a pivotal year in crop circle research. This is because the binary encoded structure of this formation clearly demonstrates that the message makers have clearly established a perceptual communication protocol for a series of future formations.
“It Certainly Resembles a Computer Disc?”

In the Crop Circle Connector report, Lucy Pringle states: “It certainly resembles a computer disc? Any explanation most welcome as I believe this is important.” Lucy is on the right track, because this is clearly a computer related glyph.

However, not in the modern sense, as most would assume. Rather, the Wilton Windmill formation offers a perfect representation of a hard drive platter.

Unlike a DVD or CD, a hard drive platter is housed inside the hermetically sealed housing of the hard drive installed in our laptops, computers and other such devices.

The reason hard disk drive have more storage capacity than a single DVD or Blu-ray disc, is that they can use a stack of platters to multiply the capacity. The next order of business is to organize the data stored on the hard drive platters so that it can be used reliably. This is done using tracks, cylinders and sectors.

On the Crop Circle Connector site, Andreas Muller posted a preliminary diagram of the formation. Next to it, is a Wikipedia image of how the data on a hard drive platter is organized.

If this doesn't send shiver down your back, you're going to love what comes next.
Shades of V'ger Past

In the first Star Trek film, a Voyager probe leaves the solar system and returns as a planet-eating behemoth named V'ger. The point here is that space junk can come back at you in the oddest ways.

This in turn raises an interesting possibility. With all the junk in orbit over our heads, there's got to be a few old had drives here and there. (Kinda handy when you come to the think about it.) So what would it look like?

The hard drive platter you're seeing in the illustration above, is decades old. A relic of the late 20th century. Just like a lot of the junk in orbit over our heads. The possibilities are endless, but more importantly, what should be looking for next?
Keeping an Eye Out

I'm am so looking forward to reading the Wilton Crop Circle field reports when they come out. Once the formation have vetted and is determined to be non-anthropomorphic (a fancy term for 2 drunk jerks with planks didn't make it), the game is afoot and something big is coming.

This formation takes me back to the famous Alien holding a disc formation that appeared in Crabwood England on August 15, 2002.

Later when I founded the Sagan Continuation Project in 2003, I was haunted by the last two words from the translation of the Data-CD glyph in the formation, by Maurice Osborn.

"Beware the bearers of FALSE gifts & their BROKEN PROMISES. Much PAIN but still time. BELIEVE. There is GOOD out there. We oppose DECEPTION. Conduit CLOSING,"

Those two words “COnduit CLOSING,” hung like a dark cloud. Now, could the conduit be opening again? If so, the comma does give one hope and so I wrote a reply some 7 years ago.

We WELCOME all who RESPECT our FREE WILL. If you CHOOSE to HELP, then help us to help ourselves. There is GOOD HERE too. WE LOOK for a reply,

Maurice event went to England and created his own crop circle using this message and since then, I've included it on every page and email sent from our site.

This is not to suggest that the message makers are answering us, however if this formation is genuine, it will mean that the dialog is changing. Sacred geometry may no longer be the king of the hill as it looks like we're about to go digital in a much bigger way.

If so, what am I on the lookout for? In a word, “dimensions.” I'll be looking for any new binary encoded formation. Especially those that form with multiple glyphs all at once, or over a period of days.

Also, any series of related formations with similar dimensions, such that you could literally assemble them like a stack of platters in a hard drive.

Something like that could certainly take the conversation to a whole new level. It's kinda cool when you think about it. Needless to say, I am looking forward to an interesting season.

Seattle Exopolitics Examiner: UFODC-Obama adviser says documented UFO/ET landings on U.S. Capitol “could destabilize society”

Posted on 9:39 AM by Kristophorus | 0 comments

Wilbur “Will” Allen, a former White House employee and Air Force One engineer under U.S. Presidents Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, and Bill Clinton, has stated that Everett Bellamy (Senior Assistant Dean of Georgetown Law Center), on behalf of John Podesta, who is a full-time faculty member at Georgetown Law Center, a former White House chief of staff under President Bill Clinton (1998-2001) and Co-chair of the Obama Transition Team (2008-9), told Mr. Allen that the frequent UFO and extraterrestrial over flights and landings on the U.S. Capitol that Mr. Allen is able to document photographically using state of the art high definition equipment could, if made widely public, “destabilize society,” and urged Mr. Allen to cease his activity documenting these UFO/ET over fights and landings.

Ironically, at a November 14, 2007 press conference at the National Press Club, John Podesta himself called for public examination of the UFO phenomenon, stating, “It was the law.”

Mr. Allen is a professional photographer who was trained in photography and photographic analysis at a CIA film laboratory and has produced photography for major motion picture companies such as Warner Brothers and record labels such as DefJam.

Mr. Allen’s declarations are made in a wide-ranging exclusive radio interview with reporter Alfred Lambremont Webre on

Entire Article:

BBC News: 'Artificial life' breakthrough announced by scientists

Posted on 9:32 AM by Kristophorus | 0 comments

Bioethicists have reacted with caution to the announcement that scientists in the US have created the first synthetic living cell.

Dr Craig Venter's team announced their landmark discovery in Science magazine.

They have succeeded in transplanting synthetic DNA for a bacterium into a host cell.

But what are the ethical implications of their discovery?


We have now accomplished the last piece on the list that was required to do what ethicists called "playing God". What that literally means is the capacity to be a creator.

There are a number of people who will find that very fact in itself terrifying. Many believe there ought to be certain areas that ought to be left alone. This is one of those areas where you can do things vastly before you consider their implications.

There are obviously very important ethical issues. This work has proceeded without any real regulation at all. The bad guys are out there. Weaponising all sorts of things will be much, much easier.

The science is flying 30,000 feet over the public's understanding of the ethics. Scientists can be their own worst enemy by using words like "clone" or "synthetic life".

This isn't a case of rogue scientists, this is a group that is extremely well known, incredibly well respected.

You are going to have to help scientists with education so this thing doesn't become a national or international threat.

[That is] the way to fend off the Luddites that would say this and any other genetic research is awful - these people will be harder to fend off because more safeguards haven't been made.

Entire Article:

Strange Android Eye Appears Over Australia Near Boeing HAARP Facility

Posted on 11:56 AM by Kristophorus | 0 comments

Two bizarre features seen on radar over the North West and South East of Australia today ( Jan 22, 2010)

The ring over the south east appeared approximately 30 seconds before the bizarre red star over the north west.
"I have received E-mails from all over Australia today reporting this rather extraordinary feature captured on
the Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology radar site. This follows a series of so far u-explained
features seen on Australian national radars since the 15th. For a while radar from the Melbourne Airport
facility was out of action ( see below).  Another strange ring appeared today over the South East of the
country as seen below.

Today has been very lively surrounding this debate over what some are suggesting are weather modification
experiments now under way over huge country.

I have received data also today that shows the HAARP facility has been ramped up (see their own monitoring
data below).

One anonymous source sent me details that he claims to account for the large ring which started this article,
that which appeared on the 15th. I would not normally publish material from  anonymous sources but in this
occasion somehow it seemed right that I should.

Below some of the e-mails today that people who were good enough to let me know what they were seeing on the national radar in Australia."

