Strange Android Eye Appears Over Australia Near Boeing HAARP Facility

Posted on 11:56 AM by Kristophorus | 0 comments

Two bizarre features seen on radar over the North West and South East of Australia today ( Jan 22, 2010)

The ring over the south east appeared approximately 30 seconds before the bizarre red star over the north west.
"I have received E-mails from all over Australia today reporting this rather extraordinary feature captured on
the Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology radar site. This follows a series of so far u-explained
features seen on Australian national radars since the 15th. For a while radar from the Melbourne Airport
facility was out of action ( see below).  Another strange ring appeared today over the South East of the
country as seen below.

Today has been very lively surrounding this debate over what some are suggesting are weather modification
experiments now under way over huge country.

I have received data also today that shows the HAARP facility has been ramped up (see their own monitoring
data below).

One anonymous source sent me details that he claims to account for the large ring which started this article,
that which appeared on the 15th. I would not normally publish material from  anonymous sources but in this
occasion somehow it seemed right that I should.

Below some of the e-mails today that people who were good enough to let me know what they were seeing on the national radar in Australia."

