Examiner: USAF first responders announce intent to file federal lawsuit

Posted on 1:02 PM by C.R. Maile | 0 comments

Patrick Frascogna, Esq., testifies at the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure.
Patrick Frascogna, Esq., testifies at the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure.
Photo credit: 
Citizen Hearing on Disclosure
A bombshell exploded at the mock Citizen Hearing on Disclosure today in Washington, D.C., when retired USAF Tech Sergeants John Burroughs and James Penniston announced their intention to bring afederal lawsuit against the Veterans Administration in an effort to obtain medical benefits to remedy injuries sustained in the line of duty.

If the lawsuit comes to trial, it will be significant as a formal legal inquiry into a series of events that have eluded public discussion for over three decades. The last time the phenomenon at question was formally addressed by the U.S. government was in 1968, when the House Committee on Science and Astronautics heard testimony by key UFO researchers including University of Arizona atmospheric physicist James E. McDonald.

The career United States Air Force veterans claim the government is denying them information that would allow proper treatment for injuries sustained in the line of duty as base security at the US airbase at RAF Bentwaters in December of 1980.

Read More: http://www.examiner.com/article/usaf-first-responders-announce-intent-to-file-federal-lawsuit

Al Jazeera: Citizen Hearing on Alien / UFO Disclosure meet in Washington DC

Posted on 12:53 PM by C.R. Maile | 0 comments

Rachel Maddow: "Congress Pressed On UFOs"

Posted on 12:52 PM by C.R. Maile | 0 comments

Openminds.tv: UFO researchers meet with Brazilian Ministry of Defense

Posted on 1:50 PM by C.R. Maile | 0 comments

Brazil’s Ministry of Defense invited members of the Brazilian Committee of UFO Researchers (CBU) to a formal meeting with members of the Brazilian armed forces. The meeting was held April 18 at the Ministry of Defense headquarters, and was attended by representatives from the Brazilian Air Force, Navy and Army.

The discussion centered on access to military documents regarding UFO investigations. Although the Brazilian government has released over 4500 documents, some of the files regarding the more famous cases have yet to be declassified.

According an article by the Brazilian Ministry of Defense, A. J. Gevaerd, Brazilian UFO Magazine’s editor, told the military representatives, “Many questions remained unsolved about famous incidents such as the Varginha Case, the Mearim corvette incident and the Trindade Island sightings.”

The Secretary for the Ministry’s Institutional Coordination and Organization, Ari Matos, reassured the group that the documents are going through the proper procedures for release and will be released in accordance to Brazil’s Access to Information Act (LAI).

Read More: http://www.openminds.tv/ufo-researchers-meet-with-brazilian-ministry-of-defense-990/

The Epoch Times: Alien Encounters With Human Race Examined at DC Hearing

Posted on 1:39 PM by C.R. Maile | 0 comments

WASHINGTON—An unprecedented gathering of experts and witnesses will hold a citizen hearing about extraterrestrials engaging the human race, at the National Press Club (NPC) in Washington, D.C. from April 29 to May 3.

The U.S. Congress has not conducted an official hearing on the subject since 1968, in spite of much evidence and credible witnesses, according to Stephen Bassett, Executive Director of Paradigm Research Group. The Paradigm Research Group is an advocacy organization pursuing public awareness and open congressional hearings regarding an alien presence on earth.

To facilitate disclosure by the U.S. government, “We will hold a hearing that they won’t hold,” said Bassett at a press conference at the Sundance Film Festival earlier this year.

For the five day hearing, the main ballroom of the National Press Club (NPC) in Washington, D.C. will be converted to look like a Senate hearing room. The Hearing Committee will include former Senator Mike Gravel (D-Alaska), former Congresswomen Darlene Hooley (D-Ore.), Carolyn Kilpatrick (D-Mich.), Lynn Woolsey (D-Calif.), and former Congressman Merrill Cook (R-Utah). They will hear testimonies from 30-40 witnesses and grill them for answers.

Dr. Edgar Mitchell, Apollo 14 astronaut and sixth man who walked on the moon, is the international spokesperson for the citizen hearing.

At the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure press conference at the Sundance Film Festival, Dr. Mitchell said that disclosure should provide “vital information that we need to know.”

HuffPost: 'Sirius' Documentary Reveals DNA Test Results On Ata, The '6-Inch Alien'

Posted on 2:44 PM by C.R. Maile | 0 comments

The mummified remains of what looks like a 6-inch space alien has turned "Sirius" into the most eagerly awaited documentary among UFO enthusiasts.

The findings, however, might come as a disappointment.

In early publicity, filmmakers claimed the documentary would reveal that the DNA of the creature with an oversized alien-looking head couldn't be medically classified.

In fact, the film, which premiered Monday in Hollywood, features a scientist who concluded the little humanoid was human.

"I can say with absolute certainty that it is not a monkey. It is human -- closer to human than chimpanzees. It lived to the age of six to eight. Obviously, it was breathing, it was eating, it was metabolizing. It calls into question how big the thing might have been when it was born,"said Garry Nolan, director of stem cell biology at Stanford University's School of Medicine in California.

"The DNA tells the story and we have the computational techniques that allows us to determine, in very short order, whether, in fact, this is human," Nolan, who performed the DNA tests, explains in the film.

"Sirius" focuses on the remains of the small humanoid, nicknamed Ata, that was discovered in Chile's Atacama Desert 10 years ago and has, literally, gone through different hands and ownership since then.

Examiner: Documentary claims absolute proof for origin of alleged alien body

Posted on 11:48 AM by C.R. Maile | 0 comments

Today, Earth Day, marks the world premiere of Sirius - a new documentary revealing sophisticated DNA analysis of an alleged extraterrestrial body found in the Atacama Desert of Chile. The body measures approximately 6” and was found in a mummified state by a private Chilean citizen in 2003. After gaining sensational media coverage in Chile, it was eventually taken for examination to Barcelona, Spain by a prominent UFO researcher. In 2009, the small body finally found its way to Dr Steven Greer, founder of the Disclosure Project – an organization dedicated to revealing evidence of extraterrestrial life. A former emergency room doctor, Dr Greer raised funds to have the strange body subjected to sophisticated DNA analysis. In a teaser, one of the medical researchers claims that an “absolute level of proof” has been found. The full results of the investigation will be announced in the premiere of Sirius, along with new interviews with Dr Greer and other witnesses about a high level official cover-up of evidence of extraterrestrial life, and new energy technologies. The documentary hopes to succeed in finally forcing governments to disclose what they know about extraterrestrial life and advanced energy technologies.

Read More: http://www.examiner.com/article/documentary-claims-absolute-proof-for-origin-of-alleged-alien-body

Washington Post: Mock congressional hearing on alien life brings former members back to planet Washington

Posted on 12:12 PM by Kristophorus | 0 comments

He’s ba-ack: Former senator Mike Gravel will be
among those who will probe UFOs. (Charles Dharapak - AP)
This is what a congressional hearing looks like in a some kind of bizarre-o parallel universe: All your favorite past members are there, including former senator Mike Gravel (D-Alaska), and former representatives Darlene Hooley, (D-Ore)., Merrill Cook (R-Utah), Roscoe Bartlett (R-Md.), Carolyn Cheeks Kilpatrick (D-Mich.), and Lynn Woolsey (D-Calif).

And the topic? Extraterrestrials. As in little green men. And whether there’s a conspiracy within the U.S. government to cover up their existence.

A longtime UFO-truther organization called the Paradigm Research Group is holding what it’s calling a “Citizen Hearing on Disclosure,” a five-day event at the National Press Club to explore the matter. The confab, which kicks off on April 29 and was brought to our attention by our pals at Roll Call’sHeard on the Hill, will be styled to resemble a real Hill hearing, complete with witnesses, statements, the whole shebang.

And to give the proceedings the proper air of legitimacy, the hearing’s organizers enlisted a colorful roster of former members to wield the gavel and question the witnesses. Organizer Stephen Bassett tells us the group identified about 100 former members they thought might be up to the task and ultimately settled on a bipartisan panel of six.

Russia BTH: Former KGB agent reveals Soviet UFO studies

Posted on 11:59 AM by Kristophorus | 0 comments

The Soviet Union took UFOs seriously. The KGB and the Soviet Defence Ministry had dedicated units collecting and analysing information about paranormal activity. Military experts even claimed to know how to "summon" UFOs and make contact with them.

Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev was recently asked an unusual question. A REN TV correspondent asked him, as a former president, if it was true that, together with the nuclear briefcase, the head of state was presented with a classified folder with materials about UFOs.

Dmitry Medvedev said this was true. According to the prime minister, in addition to the folder, the head of state was presented with a report from the secret services, whose task it was to control the aliens on Russian territory. When asked by journalist if there were many aliens living among us, Medvedev refused to elaborate, “so as not to create a panic.” However, he did suggest that those interested in the subject watch a "documentary chronicle" called "Men in Black."

HuffPost: Arizona Desert UFO Spotted Lifting Off From Ground Level Near Kingman

Posted on 11:05 AM by Kristophorus | 0 comments

A Kingman, AZ, witness reported watching an object on the ground at a distance that glowed just before lifting off from the desert floor about 3:33 a.m. on April 10, 2013, according to testimony from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.

The witness was looking "north to east across the valley" when a dim light was first noticed that appeared to grow brighter.

"As I watched for approximately 90 seconds, it brightened, lifted off the desert floor, paused and hovered for approximately 33 seconds, and then suddenly flew in a straight path toward the northeast and disappeared into outer-space."

The witness states that he has seen similar objects taking off from the ground level in the same area in the past. No photos or videos were included with MUFON Case 46727. Kingman is a city in Mohave County, Ariz., population 28,279.

Read More: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/roger-marsh/arizona-desert-ufo_b_3063596.html

Discovery: Is An Alien Message Embedded In Our Genetic Code?

Posted on 3:41 PM by Kristophorus | 0 comments

The answer to whether or not we are alone in the universe could be right under our nose, or, more literally, inside every cell in our body.

Could our genes have an intelligently designed “manufacturer’s stamp” inside them, written eons ago elsewhere in our galaxy? Such a “designer label” would be an indelible stamp of a master extraterrestrial civilization that preceded us by many millions or billions of years. As their ultimate legacy, they recast the Milky Way in their own biological image.

Vladimir I. shCherbak of al-Farabi Kazakh National University of Kazakhstan, and Maxim A. Makukov of the Fesenkov Astrophysical Institute, hypothesize that an intelligent signal embedded in our genetic code would be a mathematical and semantic message that cannot be accounted for by Darwinian evolution. They call it “biological SETI.” What’s more, they argue that the scheme has much greater longevity and chance of detecting E.T. than a transient extraterrestrial radio transmission.

READ MORE: http://news.discovery.com/space/alien-life-exoplanets/could-an-alien-message-be-embedded-in-our-genetic-code-130401.htm

Paper link: http://arxiv.org/ftp/arxiv/papers/1303/1303.6739.pdf


Posted on 1:50 PM by Kristophorus | 0 comments

Yesterday Pope Francis I celebrated his first Easter Mass as the leader of the world’s 1.2 billion Roman Catholics. In his first “Urbi et Orbi” speech – Latin for “to the city [of Rome] and the world” – he called for peace in the Middle East; an end to human trafficking and greed; preventing the exploitation of natural resources; and protecting animals by becoming “responsible guardians of creation.” The Pope normally gives two Urbi et Orbi speeches each year where he deals with major challenges faced by the world and Christendom. In a future speech it has been predicted that he will discuss a unique challenge that the world faces according to the authors of a new book. In Exovaticana, Chris Putnam and Tom Horn predict that the new Pope, Francis I, will soon announce the existence of extraterrestrial life, among whom an alien savior will emerge to reinvigorate Christian teachings!

Putnam and Horn, successfully predicted in their last book, the best-selling Petrus Romanus: The Final Pope is Here, that Pope Benedict would resign rather than die in office. They based their prediction on St Malachy’s, Prophecy of the Popes. According to Putnam and Horn, Francis is the final Pope, “Petrus Romanus”, who will oversee the dissolution of the Catholic Church as predicted in St Malachy’s prophecy, by announcing an extraterrestrial savior.