A L Webre: Web Bot predicts 1.2 billion dead in BP oil spill, Nov. 2010 nuclear war. Accurate? Will ETs intervene?

Posted on 12:59 PM by Kristophorus | 0 comments

This article is part of an ongoing Examiner.com series on the BP Gulf of Mexico oil spill and its environmental, economic, social and exopolitical impacts.

The Web Bot technology is now predicting a 1.289+ billion mega-death resulting from an “ill-wind” and the BP Gulf oil disaster.  Researcher Clif High has published a prediction expecting a ‘tipping point’ around November 8, 2010 into global nuclear war, triggered by a mistaken Israeli-influenced attack on Iran that could come anytime after July 11, 2010.

The BP Gulf of Mexico oil catastrophe was arguably foreseen in prophetic scenarios as set out in various sacred prophecy texts such as the Book of Revelation and the Hopi Prophecy’s Seventh Sign, as well as the visions and prophecies of 20th and 21st century psychics, extraterrestrial contactees, and shamans such as psychic Edgar Cayce (1877-1945), Argentina’s ET contactee Benjamin Solari Parravicini (1898-1974) and Zulu shaman Credo Mutwa (1921 – present).

The Web Bot ALTA report and Zulu shaman Credo Mutwa – both of whom arguably accurately predicted the BP Gulf of Mexico oil catastrophe before it occurred - are now predicting the BP Gulf oil catastrophe may one of the largest single human depopulation events in history.

A Web-Bot ALTA report dated June 21, 2010 predicts that “1.289+ billion people” may die from the catastrophic effects of the April 20, 2010 BP oil spill and related environmental impacts in a period starting mid-July 2010.  The Web-Bot ALTA REPORT states that “The [oil volcano] subset continues to gain support in support of the [ill winds] area, and is still gaining support for those subsets indicating that 1.289+ billion people will perish as a result of the [ill winds] and the [oil volcano].”

According to Web Bot, this high death figure may come as a result of interactivity between the impact of the BP oil catastrophe and an expected global nuclear war starting around the period commencing November 8, 2010.

Zulu shaman and noted author Credo Mutwa on January 7, 2010 predicted an oil-related catastrophe, approximately two and one-half months before the April 20, 2010 BP Gulf oil spill occurred.  On January 7, 2010, an individual who reportedly had just attended a meeting with Zulu shaman and author Credo Mutwa in Africa posted the following message on an internet chat board, “Credo Mutwa apparently just now said half the worlds population won’t see 2011 at a gathering where I'm attending. Some delegates have walked out because he didn't want to give an acceptable explanation, he just said ‘it's no asteroid, comet, plague, ... just OIL’

Entire Article Here: http://www.examiner.com/x-2912-Seattle-Exopolitics-Examiner~y2010m6d30-Web-Bot-12-billion-dead-in-BP-oil-spill-Nov-2010-nuclear-war--Accurate--Will-ETs-intervene


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