Former congress members impressed with UFO testimony
While not all of the congress members who participated in the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure are convinced we are being visited by extraterrestrials, they do appear unanimous in the opinion that the testimony was impressive. Most of them are now convinced this is a topic that the government should investigate further, and one is not only seeking a resolution from the UN to investigate UFOs, he has gone on camera with ABC News proclaiming the conspiracy to cover all of this up goes straight to the White House.
The Citizen Hearing on Disclosure YouTube page has posted videos with the closing thoughts from all of the former congress members making up the committee in the mock-congressional hearing last week. Most of the responses were very positive. The most lukewarm comes from former congresswoman Darlene Hooley who said, “When I decided I would do this, I honestly knew very little about the whole topic.”
“After listening, I will tell you, the people that have testified, I think, have great credibility.” Hooley continued, “ I think we’re sort of naïve to think in this huge huge universe that there are not other people, or other planets that are highly functioning people that live on those planets, and so I have gotten a great lesson this week.”
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